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Business German: How to get to the next level of your career with German fast

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

I'll show you how to reach a confident level of proficiency in your field of expertise within a couple of months.

4 step formula for fluency and confidence in German in your field of expertise
Fluency in business German

Do you need German to grow your career?

Your level of German is quite decent in everyday situations but you still struggle in professional settings?

You don't have confidence in German?!

Our stories are different but we all want to be successful and find fulfilment in our work.

Keep reading and you will learn how to reach the level where you can be and sound professional in German too:

With a proven 4-step system you work with authentic sources, build up the vocab, fluency and confidence that you need for more success in your job.

First: You need to stop doing what everybody does!

Confidence in German in meetings
Business German
Far too many people think that a C1-C2 level of fluency is the secret to confident usage of German in your profession…

Therefore, they work on their German harder.

They take more courses, read more books, and learn more vocabulary.

They do a lot to reach a more advanced level of proficiency and fluency.

But why is it then that so many who have done the courses and taken the exams still cannot communicate confidently in professional settings?

Because it is NOT how a language works!

Fluency doesn’t mean that you can effortlessly express yourself in every thinkable area.

That is not even true in your own language.

Just think about a chat with a doctor, a lawyer or your mechanic.

You can lose track very quickly because they use words that you are not familiar with.

As I said: In your own native language.

Do THIS instead:

Once you’ve reached a B2ish level…

Focus on your area of expertise and get fluent within that field!

It is as simple as this! That is all you need to do!

Keep reading to learn HOW!

A great way to improve your German is to work with podcasts!

If you want to know how to do it the right way, read my detailed guide!

Click the button bellow:

Go for topic fluency: A simple shift in your focus will help you reach your goal quickly

Many people have difficulties with using German in their professional environment because they work on their fluency in general.

They improve their German in general.

Without specific focus.

And it is nice to have a small talk about climate change or the current political situation…

But it WON’T help you to talk about job-related topics!

If you want to use German for work you NEED to learn the language that is used for that!

All the terms and recurring, common phrases.

You need to listen to the other experts in your industry.

And learn the language that they use!

This is how most people in high-level positions fine-tune their German for their career goals.

Often with the guidance of a language coach, they aim for fluency within their area of expertise.

They define which topics they need to be able to talk about in which settings.

And get prepared for them!

Reaching fluency in your field will be a real game-changer in your career.

You will feel so much more confident.

Your colleagues or partners and clients will be impressed.

Everybody will want to know how YOU made it when so many others are still struggling with German.

But not “just” that.

Fluency in German in your field may also mean better opportunities, a promotion or more success with your own company!

That might mean more quality time with friends and family, more travel…

Or whatever it is that you dream of.

Now you know WHAT to do and WHY to do it..

But HOW can you reach the desired fluency within the chosen area of expertise?

I will give you the exact steps you need to take!

4 essential steps:

  1. Find authentic sources that talk or write about your field (podcasts, videos on YouTube, TV programs or newspapers)

  2. Make a plan - when, how often you learn with these

  3. Collect, repeat and memorize words/expressions/sentences

  4. Use your new knowledge in real-life situations

Keep reading and I’ll show you step by step what you need to do!

Step 1: Find authentic sources

Let’s be honest!

At work, you cannot do a lot of guesswork when it comes to the specific terms of your industry!

You need to use precise language!

But the good news is: You don’t need to reinvent the wheel! :)

Guess what: There are other experts in your field that talk about your topic.

But in German.

Nativ speakers.

And you can learn from them everything you need!

All the words and expressions that one needs to talk about the topic.

But where can you find those authentic sources?!

Nothing is easier than that!

Look for podcasts and/or YouTube videos!

With content from your field of expertise!

For example on Spotify:

If you want to know how to work with podcasts effectively, click on the bunnon below and find out :)

Step 2: Make an action plan

Having some good sources is the first and very important step but in itself, it won’t get you very far.

If you want real progress you need a PLAN!

Without a real, tangible plan, the whole thing will remain a wish, something that you tried but didn’t work…

If you don’t want to go back to complaining about the German language...
How difficult it is to use it in your job...
After having listened to one single podcast episode…
MAKE a plan!

Here is how you do it:

  1. Define the date when you want to use German in your job! Saying “in 2 or 6 months” will not be so good… Take the date of a conference, an important meeting, a Q&A with the press, a speech, or a job interview where you want to communicate effectively and confidently in German!

  2. How much time do you have until then?

  3. Define how much time you can dedicate for German per week or per day (it’s better to do 10-15 min per day every day than 1-2 hours once a week)

To improve your German you need a plan
Make a plan!

Now: What do you do with the time that you have put aside for German?

That is our very important next step!

Step 3: Collect, repeat and memorize

You already know what to work with and when…

Now it’s all about the HOW!

What exactly do you need to do with the chosen podcast episodes and/or YouTube videos?

Be careful: Here is a very common pitfall!

Most people would ONLY listen to and watch them.

And yes, that’s the next step.

But: That is NOT the whole work!

That is only a tiny part of it.

This is SO important!

So listen up!

If you don’t do anything else except for listening and watching, then the ONLY SKILL you train is your skill to understand!

And don’t get me wrong!

It is so important to understand!

But your real goal is to be able to SPEAK about it!

So here is what you NEED to do if you want to reach your goal and be able to communicate effectively and confidently in German in a professional environment:

  1. Listen to the chosen podcast/ watch the YouTube video

  2. Collect words, phrases and whole sentences that are important and relevant for your job! Write them down!

  3. Repeat them until you have memorized them

  4. So that you now are can use them in a similar context in a real conversation

Repeat and learn the German words, phrases and sentences
Repeat and learn the German words, phrases and sentences

If you need more guidance on how to do it, click on the button below and read the guide!

I’ll walk you through the whole process!

After doing this work you have built up your vocabulary.

Here is what next:

Step 4: Use your new knowledge

You might think now, this is why I am doing this whole thing in the first place…

Yes, sure!

Eventually, at the end of the process, you want to and will use the acquired knowledge in your job!

In meetings, conferences, interviews etc.

BUT: Before you are ready for that, you should make sure you use your new vocab in your job in low-stress situations:

No time and performance pressure
Supportive environment.
Time for questions and corrections


To practice.

To make mistakes and correct them.

To reach fluency in your field and eventually…

To build up your confidence!!

So that you can use the same knowledge in high-stress situations too.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Think about who would be the right person or people at work to practice with. (And I don’t mean German lessons but who could you do some work with in German!)

  2. Approach them.

  3. Explain your situation. (what are you preparing for and why)

  4. Offer help with something they would need if necessary.

See it as the rehearsal for the real performance!

They will help you correct mistakes, get fluent within that specific area in German and…

Build up your confidence!

And that is exactly what you want.

For more ease and success!

Confident Business German - Conclusion

Do you need German to grow your career?

Would better German mean more opportunities and more money?

But you still don't have confidence in German in business topics?

You can change that now!

If you take action and learn with authentic industry-related content.

And use the tested 4-step system - as it is described above.

If you follow the steps and take action today you can reach your goals within a couple of months!

If you don't you most probably miss out on great new opportunities, promotions or more success with your own company...

It might be much more difficult for you to get to the next level of your career...

But if you are ready to take your chance...

Because you want to be fluent and confident in business topics.

You can absolutely do it!

What is your industry?

And which podcasts do you improve your business German with?

Leave me a comment below!

I'd love to hear about you!

And if you have any questions, I am happy to talk:)

Book a free strategy call with me:

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